At the end of their days in Middle-earth, the Elves travel to unknown realms across the western sea. Elves do not "die" in the way understood by Men Elves often live in the lands of Middle-earth for thousands of years, suffering neither the effects of time nor disease, though the body of an Elf may be struck down in battle. Tall and strong, fair and graceful, Elves have keen senses and a deep affinity for the beauty of the natural world around them. In ages past, the Elves divided into many different groups, and settled throughout Middle-earth, primarily in the ancient forested realms where they yet live. Dwarves stand on average approximately 4 1/2 to 5 feet high and typically live long lives of 250 years or more. Unwavering and proud, the Dwarves fight for the good side of Middle-earth (although an ages-old mistrust exists between Dwarves and Elves), emerging from their deep dwellings to bring their strength and fierce combat skills to bear in the battle against the evil side. Living a secretive life in their homes beneath the great mountains, Dwarves are expert miners and workers of stone and metal, capable of crafting with great strength and renown, along with unparalleled beauty and intricacy. In these dark days, however, it is the unassuming Hobbits, with their often surprising adeptness of both word and action, that will have the greatest impact in the war.

Known simply as the "Big Folk" to the Hobbits of the Shire, Men are characterized by a large, strong frame and a driving will borne out of a relatively short life span.Ĭalled "Halflings" by some due to their size relative to Men, these small folk enjoy the peaceful endeavours of farming, eating, and gift giving, rather than concerning themselves with the dangerous affairs of the rest of Middle-earth (save the legends of Hobbit bowmen in the wars of Fornost). They are capable of great courage and honour yet they can also easily fall prey to ambition, deceit, and betrayal. Men are a varied race, from the great Dunédain of the North to the skilled Horse-lords of Rohan, and from the proud soldiers of Gondor to the mysterious Haradrim far to the east.